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  • Poza scriitoruluiDan Eremciuc

Creative critical reflection- question 4

Actualizată în: 16 mai 2021

How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

In order to complete this project I had to learn and incorporate skills from varying fields. I used a decent range of different technologies during the creation and development of my magazine issue, starting from the old reliable pen and paper to more advanced software's such as illustrator, photoshop and Lightroom. During the early stages of this process, when designing the logo for our group or rough drafts of anything really, we used pen and paper. We didn't want to over complicate ourselves yet as we were making only rough ideas that we could expand later on. After getting past the beginning stages we implemented our previous ideas in digital form, converting our team and magazine logo into illustrator in order to have a final version that we can use along with finding the fonts we were going to use in said magazine. The hardware required for this stage wasn't anything special, we mostly used our laptops/pc’s as they had a good amount of processing power and got the job done relatively fast.

After we brainstormed and made Pinterest boards with possible photo ideas and general inspiration, we started the planning of the photoshoots, each of us had different ideas however still fitting into our overall theme. I changed the initial props and locations of my photoshoots in order to best adapt to my circumstances, due to the change in location of the photoshoot I had to rethink where I'd use the Reflector lights along with having to buy my own portable energy source, a portable power generator. The outfits remained unchanged, likewise with the camera that I had to borrow.

After the photoshoot I went to work strictly digitally, I uploaded the photos on my PC and after selecting the ones with the most potential, I started editing them in Adobe Lightroom. At the beginning I didn't know what I was doing and just wanted to experiment with the settings I had available but after a while I saw what worked and what didn't: I liked to turn the exposure a bit down to make the photos look more eerie and messing around with color channels/point curves to get a more fitting color scheme.

After editing the photos and seeing which ones I liked most, I started to assemble the pages in Adobe Illustrator. I had a small bit of trouble at the start when I was getting accustomed to the interface but I quickly learned through asking more experienced colleagues and online tutorials. I added the photos, messed around with the proportions, leaving only the final details to be added such as page numbers and some writing.

The sites I used were DaFont and Adobe Fonts for the fonts, Wix to create my website where I blogged my production process and YouTube for some tutorials of how to better use the Adobe aps.

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