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  • Poza scriitoruluiDan Eremciuc

Research and planning - the masthead

The masthead is an important feature of a magazine, the better it looks and functions the more people it will attract. We started with a brainstorming session where we discussed possible name ideas. We were aiming for something simple and simple to remember.

After narrowing down the list by highlighting the best options, we voted on our favored options and eventually reached FLAIR.

flair - stylishness & originality

This represents the first impressions we want to give along with our creative direction. The name is easy enough to remember along with a clear, simple definition that our audience can get behind.

These are some rough sketches we've made regarding our logo creation.

The next step was to take these designs into illustrator and experiment with their conceptualization. This helped us visualize our designs and allowed us to make an easier final decision regarding our logo.

Out of all of these we narrowed our options down to 2, each member of our team will use the logo they feel represents their issue best along with their aesthetic.

Option 1:

A clean and minimalist look is hard to mess up. This option has the benefit of versatility due to its simplicity with the drawback being less interesting compared to other iterations.

Option 2:

This option has more going on than the previous one, this can draw the attention of viewers better along with being more unique however it could hinder the complexity of the covers design.

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